Zeek Wright is a company dancer with Ballet Arkansas, who I've been fortunate to work with this season. We took some time to go into the studio for some minimalist portraits that I hope manage to capture his talent and fluidity. He is a larger-than-life presence, on-camera and off. I hope you enjoy these. Check out Ballet Arkansas' website for your next opportunity to catch him (and all the other amazingly talented dancers) onstage!
A Quick Study In Black & White
This was only supposed to be a test shoot. I was checking some lighting and evaluating a new lens, so we knocked these out in a few minutes. But, after looking at them, I was really, really pleased, thanks to the fantastic subject. She nailed it. I also want to point out that these were done without any styling, and hardly any processing beyond exposure, brightness and contrast. Sometimes it's great to worry about the details, but sometimes it's the lack of worry that leads to something powerful and expressive.